First day of summer 'soldes', Parisian-style

As the first day of summer soldes (sales) draws near, Paris’ professional bargain hunters are already sharpening their spears. Here are a few tips on how to survive a first day of a soldes experience.
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There is a right way to cut the cheese...

Sitting down to dinner with uninformed manners in Paris is not a good idea, as one risks both ruining everyone's appetite and accepting blame for having single-handedly butchered the art of French cuisine. Here are a few lessons learned the hard way.
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Paris gets muy caliente

In a city that generally shuns spice, Mexican cuisine has never been very accessible nor good in Paris. Yet the city’s shortlist of not just edible, but inspiring Mexican restaurants seems to be growing as a handful of new taquerias crop up.
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The growing menace of the center

Jean-Louis Borloo's candidature for France's 2012 presidential elections remains unofficial, but in a recent interview the centrist has left little doubt he is ready to challenge President Sarkozy re-election bid.

Road Rage

A government plan to ban road signs that warn drivers of speeding radars has run into trouble with lawmakers from President Sarkozy’s own party. Paris is putting on the breaks.
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Interpreting the French face

The French face is what hands are to the Italians. It stretches and twists to express a wide range of expressions and emotions with the same elasticity of a rubber band. Here’s a look at some recurrent French faces and how to interpret their meaning.
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The other dark chapter of Strauss-Kahn’s life

A young French novelist has said she is considering pressing charges against Strauss-Kahn for a sexual assault that allegedly took place in 2002. The IMF chief’s dramatic arrest in New York could reopen a troubling chapter of his life.
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Top 10 terraces in Paris

One of Paris' undeniable charms is its terrace culture. Here's a look at the city's 10 best terraces, from sophisticated and chic to favourite neighbourhood dive.
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Carthaginians at the gate

After managing to handle the free movement of 400 million Europeans, the entry of 20,000 Tunisians lead Sarkozy and Burlesconi to call for the "reform" of the Schengen area.

French kiss, French bread...French beer?

The French excel at a number of things, but who knew that one of them was beer?
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